Friday, July 4, 2008

Bengkel Kecemerlangan Peperiksaan - 5 Julai 2008

Tips untuk menjawab soalan Keusahawanan ini boleh dimuat-turun dari MyLMS dengan memasuki forum Entrepreneurship -> Richard Ng -> General -> Slide Bengkel Kecemerlangan Exam.

Good luck.


  1. Mr Richard,

    Wish you a successful workshop and hope all the students will benefit from the workshop.

  2. Thanks Joe. 60 students turned up for the workshop including 3 students from Penang who come all the way to attend the workshop.

    Hope the students have benefited from the workshop which took me 3 days to prepare.

  3. Dr. Richard,

    It's worth it to travel all the way there to attend the workshop. Looking forward to attend others as well. Thank you so much..

    --No pain no gain--

  4. sir,
    5/6 of menumpang in PPT Taiping was there...
    It's worth it to travel because we get a lot of benefit from the workshop.

