Wednesday, July 30, 2008

OUM & METEOR Executive Retreat 2008 - Day 1

Jul 30, 2008 posted by Richard Ng

The 3 days 2 nights retreat was held at Awana Genting. 45 Participants from among OUM and Meteor Staff have been selected to attend the training.

Prof. Mansor, Senior Vice President, graced the occassion

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selvaraj chaired the 3-day retreat

Dr. Selvaraj started the day with the ice-breaking session with participants being grouped into 6 groups. It was a good exercise where we get to know other staff members.

Prof. Dr. Zoraini took the stand to deliver her presentation on Understanding Open and Distance Learning

My group members in Group 3 comprised of (from left) Aiman (LMS), Mualim (Meteor Doc), Puan Alia (TMU), Faezah (Finance), Chiam (FBM), Syahrul (Finance)

Group photo with Group Management Committee members

The afternoon session continued with Puan Faizah, Senior Group HR Manager. She presented with the company's vision and mission statements and core values and briefed participants on the key sucssess factors of OUM/Meteor.

Puan Faizah conducting her training session.

En. Repin, Meteor/OUM COO, took the opportunity to meet participants and brief them about OUM

Preparing for our next outdoor activity conducted by Mr. Puniamurthy (centre). On the left is Dr. Selvaraj.

The outdoor group activity was held at 5.45pm. Participants are required to cook potatoes using their own creative ways. Time allocated was 30 miniutes. By 6.30, everyone was back at the training room and continued with the next training session on "Working Culture and Attitude".

Mr. Murthy oontinued with the findings of the group outdoor activity.

We then break for dinner from 7.45pm untl 9pm. The training continued with another session entitled: "Quality and Accountability i the workplace." The session was conducted by Mr. Stephen Cornellius.

Stephen started the session with the quote from Zig Ziggler

According to Stephen, Training and Development "starts from the womb and end in a tomb." He then provided participants with a quote by Zig Ziggler as follows:

"You are what you are, you are where you are, by what goes into your mind"

He suggested the following:

"You can change what you are, you can change where you are, by changing what goes into your mind". We must be passsionate with job we do and have performance anxiety. He also quoted another good quote by Mother Theresa: "Few of us can do great thing but all of us can do small things with GREAT IMPACT."

Responding to emails in between training

The session ended at 11.00pm fuuuuh!!! We are all dead tired after a marathon training from 10.00am to 11.00pm without even have time for bath. What a long day.

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