Saturday, August 2, 2008

OUM/Meteor Executive Retreat Jul 31 - Aug 1 - Day 3 Part 2

Day 3 Part 2 - Aug 1, 2008 Posted by Richard Ng

After three days of rigorous training, everyone was tired especially after the Paint Ball Session held in the morning. All of us met again in the afternoon at 3.00pm for the closing ceremony and certificate presentation.

En. Repin, COO of Meteor Group did the closing with the hope that everyone has benefited from the training. He advised everyone to apply what they have learned and ensure that we do things differently from now to ensure that OUM stays competitive.

En. Repin delivering his closing speech

My personal comment is that most of us have enjoyed and benefited from the training. We have the opportunity to meet other members of OUM now so that in future when we are faced with problems we will be able to contact the right people to help us. In any organization, conflicts bound to happen and usually it is either due to us or the other party or both. But it is easier to change ourselves than changing other people. Thus we must make every effort to change ourselves before we are changed!

These are two people who have made the training possible (front row, from left) Puan Faizah, Group Senior HR Manager and Associate Prof. Dr. Selvaraj, Director, Institute of Professional Development OUM.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazlan receiving his certificate from En. Repin

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan, Director of Penang RLC, receiving his certificate

Richard Ng, Director of Perak RLC, receiving his certificate

Hingga berjumpa lagi di masa hadapan ... selamat menjalankan tugas masing-masing

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