Thursday, April 16, 2009

Out goes the lecturer - Kosmo

April 15, 2009

A UNIVERSITI Sains Islam Malaysia lecturer who passed only four out of 157 of her law students claims she was forced to resign so that the university could protect its reputation, Kosmo! reported.

Nor (not her real name) said the reason she left was because she could not stand the pressure from the university management on her to give “sympathy marks.”

“How am I to give extra marks if the marks they got is what they should be getting?” she said, adding that her downfall started when she received a show-cause letter on why so many students had failed.

She was then criticised by her superiors, who also wanted her to add marks based on attendance so as to reduce the number of failures.

“I stood my ground. How could I give them marks for that when it is their responsibility to show up for classes?” she added.

The university declined to comment.


  1. Issue for tutors and students to think about.

    I think OUM is better that USIM.....

  2. Sounds like, qualified lecturers are prevented from doing their jobs for the sake of protecting the university’s reputation? To make matters worse, the lecturer in question was forced out of her position for sticking to her guns. Seems, someone with principles is punished instead of rewarded! However, if such qualities are not extolled at our own institutes of higher learning, how can we expect to build a strong nation of just and positive principles?
