Thursday, August 27, 2009

H1N1: Anda dapat mengubahnya - Surat dari pembaca Star

27 Ogos 2009

I REFER to the article “Many still complacent” in The Star on Aug 23.

I don’t see the A(H1N1) virus as the world’s top concern just yet, but I am very pleased with the precautions Malaysia has taken to fight against it.

The A(H1N1) is something we can prevent now before it becomes worse. It’s up to members of the public to make sure the spread of the deadly virus is halted. I see people are taking measures to control the spread, such as washing their hands and covering their mouths but they are not doing more than that.

It seems the main issue is the face mask.

I can understand why people don’t want to wear them; even I don’t wear one.

I think masks make us look strange, and they’re not that comfortable. After all, we are already doing all the other things to stop the virus. But if we are not taking one precaution, we may as well do away with other precautions.

I don’t think anyone likes changing his or her lifestyle but if it helps to save lives, then we should all start wearing the mask.


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