Tuesday, September 8, 2009

McDonald (US) lawan McCurry (M'sia) - McCurry menang

Mahkamah Persekutuan memutuskan hari ini bahawa McCurry, sebuah restoran tempatan yang menjual masakan India tidak menyalah-gunakan nama francais McDonald. Ini berikutan kes mahkamah yang telah mengambil masa lapan tahun di mana pihak McDonald menyaman McCurry kerana penggunaan nama "Mc" di depan nama restoran itu.

Bacaan tambahan: (Akhbar The Star)

US' McDonald's loses trademark fight against M'sian McCurry

PUTRAJAYA: McDonald's has lost an eight-year trademark battle against the Malaysian restaurant McCurry, which serves Indian food.

The country's highest court ruled Tuesday that the U.S. fast food giant cannot appeal against another court's verdict that allowed McCurry to use the "Mc" prefix.

The ruling by the Federal Court ends all legal avenues for McDonald's to protect its name from what it said was a trademark infringement.

A three-member Appeal Court panel had ruled in favor of McCurry Restaurant in April this year.

The panel said there was no evidence to show that McCurry was passing off McDonald's business as its own.

McDonald's asked the Federal Court for permission to appeal against that decision but was denied. - AP

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