Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Step by step method and recipe to make garbage enzymes

Sept 23, 2009

This article will provide you with a simple method and recipe to make garbage enzymes. Don’t worry if you are new to this as you will be guided through step by step on how to make garbage enzymes.

First and foremost, what is garbage enzymes and why are people making them? Garbage enzyme is a multipurpose liquid that can be used as a cleansing agent, purifier, fertiliser, blockage solution, etc. It is actually a smart way of using your kitchen wastes instead of throwing them out. When you make garbage enzymes using kitchen wastes like vegetables and fruits, it goes through a process of fermentation. This fermentation process will release ozone gas that will help to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, making homemade enzymes is also an excellent way to do our part in safeguarding the environment.

The method and recipe to make garbage enzymes provided in this post are courtesy of Inner Journey. The author of Inner Journey has taken proper workshops in understanding how different types of enzymes are made and is an active enzyme producer in her own rights.

Before you begin, you should know that the process of producing enzyme is not an overnight thing. To make garbage enzymes the correct way, you need to leave it to ferment for 3 months before it is ready to be used.

Basic Ingredients To Make Garbage Enzymes:

* 1 part sugar
* 3 parts vegetable and/or fruit dregs
* 10 parts water
* A plastic container (recommended: use a substantially large plastic mineral water bottle which is air tight)

Tip: If you want nice smelling garbage enzymes, try using citrus fruits like oranges and pineapples!

Method To Make Garbage Enzymes:

* In the plastic container, dilute the sugar in water.
* Then, add in the fruit/vegetable dregs
* Be sure to leave about one third of empty space in the plastic container for the fermentation process
* Close the container tightly
* During the first month, open the container’s cap twice a day to release the gas that has built up
* Once in a while where necessary, you may push the floating garbage downward
* Place the container in a cool and ventilated area

After the first month, the ingredients in the container should be stable and you won’t need to release the gas anymore. At this stage, you just need to leave it alone to ferment for another 2 months before using it. It’s that easy!

Have a go at making your own garbage enzymes. You can be as creative as you can get, using whatever kitchen wastes you may have. And have fun!


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