Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monkeys See Monkeys Do

Our trainers, Moses (left) and ET (right)

Ha ha this is the quote from Moses Teh, one of our two trainers during the "Coaching and Counseling for Performance" workshop. The other trainer was ET Khor. Both the training consultants are from Potential Plus Consultancy Sdn. Bhd.

Participants were busy working in groups during the workshop

ET facilitating one of the sessions

The 2-day workshop organized by Meteor/OUM group, was held from Feb 3 - 4, 2010 at the Seri Pacific Hotel in KL. The workshop was attended by all OUM Regional Learning Centres' Directors and managers from the Meteor Group.

Participants were paying attention to the presentation by one of the team represntatives

The theme of the workshop was "Getting Star Performance Through Performance Management". According to Moses, generally subordinates of an organization will tend to ape what their leaders or managers do, good or bad. Thus, the coaching and counseling workshop was conducted to enhance the managerial and coaching skills of Directors and Managers of OUM/Meteor group so that their subordinates' performance can be further managed and improved so that they become "Superstars".

Dr. Tan, Penang RLC Director, presenting his group's findings

According to Moses and ET, Performance Management is an important process for establishing shared understanding about what goals to achieve and managing people in such a way that can increase the probability of achieving those goals.

Role play by Puan Adura and En. Zamani

Performance Management basically consists of three phases: planning, coaching and review. Participants were trained in aspect of coaching and counseling using the different managerial styles. Most organizations failed in achieving their goals due to poor execution.

Role play by Zulkarnain and Fairuz

Zul and Fairuz during the role play session

Listening attentively to the group presentation

Some of the characteristics of high achiever learned during the workshop include Focus, Energetic, Resilient, Team Player, Decisive, Positive Attitude, High Self Esteem, Ambitious, Accomplished Oriented and Lifelong Learner.

Reviewing and debriefing session at the end of the workshop

Participants were also taught about the four personality of people which include the Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy and Phlegmatic. Several models were also introduced which include the GROW and PEAKS model.

At the end of the two-day session, participants were reminded again to start planning from the beginning of the year and perform coaching whether informal or formal and coach their subordinates so that at the end of the year, they will be able to achieve what is expected of them and score high in their performance appraisal.

Group photo session

"I believe that everyone in the organization has something positive to offer and it is our role to identify that", quoted Moses. Our role is not to judge on someone's mistake but rather their positive contributions. Leaders must set a good example and become role model to their subordinates in order to manage their performance to achieve the desired goals. Thus Monkeys See Monkeys Do.

Thanks to Moses and ET for the good job.

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