Sunday, September 11, 2011

1 Malaysia is alive at OUM vis-a-vis Merdeka Walk up the hill of Bukit Kledang

Yes, 40 of us made it to one of the peaks of Bukit Kledang to celebrate our nation's 54th Merdeka edition on Sept 11, 2011. What a better way than to endure a 1-hour walk up the hill carrying our Jalur Gemilang and sing the patriotic songs at the top of our voices. It was a truly 1Malaysia affair.

Registration of participants. From left: Afandi, Haliza, Jamuna

Cikgu Onee and her family

One for the album while waiting for all the participants

From left: Valerie, Matron Foong, Dr. Tina Lim, and Cikgu Barkawi

1 Malaysia @ OUM Perak

Ready to go

One for the album. Berdiri sama tinggi, duduk sama rendah

The event was organized by OUM Perak in collaboration with Persatuan Kecergasan Negeri Perak, whose President is Puan Jamuna, who is also one of alumni. It was participated by learners, staff and family members.

Video clip of Senamrobik Part 1:

Warm up session

Video clip of Senamrobik Part 2:

Puan Jamuna (with cap) leading the senamrobik session

It was the third time OUM Perak organized the Merdeka Walk up the hill. The first was held on August 4, 2007 in collaboration with the Lions Club of Perak Silver State. The following year, we organized it with OUM Alumni. Due to the fasting month, the event was not held in 2009 and 2010.

OUM Perak Director, Dr. Richard Ng, addressing the participants on the Do's and Dont's before the start of the Merdeka Walk

We gathered at the foot of the hill at 7.00am sharp. We had a warm up session for 30 minutes with senamrobik led by Puan Jamuna and her team members from the Persatuan Kecergasan Negeri Perak. It was not only a good warm session but all of us had fun.

The journey to a thousand miles begins with the first step ...

After 15 minutes up the hill ...

Reaching the halfway mark ...

At 7.50am we started our slow walk up the hill. For some of us, it was their first time participating in such event. Everyone was excited. After 15 minutes, everyone has not shown any sign of fatigue probably due to the excitement. We took a short break to enjoy the nice view of Ipoh City.

30 minutes later ... arriving at the Meterological Survey centre

The last phase ...

15 minutes to go ....

By 8.45am, most of us have reached the Meteorological Survey station, which is about 1,500 feet above sea level. We took a short break again to wait for most of the participants. By now everyone can be seen panting and taking a deep breath. "How far more?" or "How much time more?" were the common questions by now. But it has not dampened our spirit. Everyone motivated each other and we continued our walk.

At last ... we have finally arrived at our destination

Taking a break ...

At 9.00am sharp, we have all made it to the peak. What a relieved. We took a short break again to get things organized before we make our pledge and sing the patriotic songs.

Dr. Richard addressing the participants about the meaning of Merdeka

Video Clip of Speech by Director of OUM Perak:

Director of OUM Perak, Dr. Richard Ng, give a short but meaningful speech about the nation's achievement in gaining independence from the British. He reminded everyone the sacrifices our fore fathers such as YM Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Tun Sambathan and others, have made prior to August 31, 1957. He also said that 54 years ago, the spirit of 1Malaysia has existed. He also said that Merdeka has got no meaning if after 54 years we are still divided along racial lines. But the event yesterday has proven that 1Malaysia is alive at OUM Perak. He thanked all participants for making this event the most memorable one and hope next year the participation will be bigger.

Jayaganesh leading the participant to take the oath of Rukun Negara

One of our learners, Jayaganesh, was given the honor to lead the group to make our Rukun Negara pledge. It was then followed by the singing of patriotic songs while waving our Jalur Gemilang, which was led by another learner, Veeran.

Veeran, leading the participants in singing the patriotic songs

We sang 5 selected patriotic songs which include:

* Tanggal 31
* Jalur Gemilang
* Kerana Mu
* Berjaya
* Wawasan 2020

Video Clip on the singing of Tanggal 31:

Singing the patriotic songs

At 9.45am, we started to descend with a sigh of relieve enduring the 1 hour climb. We took some memorable pictures. Most participants were satisfied and happy to be able to be part of this historical moment. All or us arrived safely at the hill of Bukit Kledang at 10.30am and back to their respective destinations with fond memories.

Video Clip of the singing of KeranaMu:

The excitement did not end there. Most participants who came with their cameras have uploaded their photos in the Facebook and their comments continued. Among the comments picked up from the Facebook are:

* Onee Azua Zolkarnain wrote: "‎1 Msia...hopefully next time lebih ramai penyertaan..."

* Jayaganesh wrote: "akhirnya berjaya juga ke destinasi . . . ."

* Aishah wrote: "Sis.. best sangat dapat sampai ke ata Bukit Kledang tu.."

* Haliza wrote: "Tak boleh lupa.... lagi 5 min nak smpi ke bawah, Fendi bawak motor ke atas coz nak anta wallet Kak Liza. Lepas tu I n Eva naik motor Fendi. Sib baik tak 'reban' motor Fendi. Maklumlah kami berdua ni 'comei2' belaka."

* Afandi wrote: "ya betul!!........program ni secara tidak langsung dapat merapatkan perpaduan dikalangan rakyat Malaysia......malaysia BOLEH!!!"

* Tanga wrote: "Memorable event!"

* Barkawi wrote: "Menghayati n menyanyi lagu patriotik. Suke sangat."

* Leong wrote: "we really have determinations aand so can pass d endurance test. syabas to everyone and 1 thng i worry is my heart beat only. i felt it throbbing so fast n loud n scare it will jammed. wakakaka n hope to test it again next Merdeka kalau umur panjang.Thanks to all staff of OUM n DBI n all for d success."

* Chiew Ha wrote: "Salute to OUM, especially to Dr. Richard & Mrs & dedicated staffs of OUM, make things jadi & successful for all who move out their first step. Hurray OUM."

* Chiew Ha wrote: "Semoga Dr Richard plan MERDEKA CELEBRATION BY OUM IN KOTA KINABALU successful & good response for year 2012"

*Afandi Raz wrote: "apapun TAHNIAH diucapkan kepada semua.......walaupun letih tetapi dengan semangat yg ade,berjaya juga sampai kepuncak bukit kledang........"

* Pratha Paul wrote: "inilah wajah-wajah anak malaysia yang tidak berputus asa sampai ke puncak walaupun terpaksa bertembung dengan pelbagai cabaran seperti sakit kaki... penat.. letih...n sebagainya... syabas n tahniah frndz. dan terima kasih kepada jantung saya sebab tak jemm wlaupn dah lama tak naik bukit."

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