Thursday, December 10, 2009

ISODEL 2009 Conference in Jogjakarta - Dec 8 - 11 - Part 1

Dec 10, 2009

The International Symposium of Distance Education and E-Learning (ISODEL) 2009 was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Jogjakarta from December 8 to 12 2009. Speakers, presenters and other interested educationists made up the over 560 participants who have come from 16 countries.

Upon arrival at the Jogjakarta airport. From left: Prof. Mansor, Puan Sri and Tan Sri Anuwar Ali

In the van that took us to the Sheraton Hotel. Seated front from left: Richard, Myzatul, Tuan Fatma. Back seat left: Rozeman and Jamaluddin

The Open University Malaysia delegation to symposium was led by its President and Vice Chancellor, YBhg Tan Sri Professor Emeritus Dr. Anuwar Ali include Puan Sri, Prof. Mansor, Richard Ng, Rozeman, Mohd Jamaluddin, Tuan Fatma and Myzatul.

Met on arrival at the hotel was Malini (right)

The delegation left on Tuesday Dec 8 at 9.20am and arrived at Jogjakarta airport at 11.00am local time (12.00 noon Malaysian time). We arrived at the Sheraton Hotel where the delegation stayed at 11.30am. We were met on arrival by the secretariat of symposium, Malini.

Myzatul (left), our secretariat, was busy going through the registration list together with Tuan Fatma

Different working culture ... we have to refill the registration form even though has done in Malaysia. Richard, holding the registration form together with Rozeman

Part of the landscape of the hotel where we stayed

After we have checked in into the hotel, we went for lunch at a local restaurant in Jogjakarta.

This is the restaurant where we had our lunch

We had this package food which include bebek (duck), gudeg (nangka manis), eggs and sup buntut (ox tail) etc

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