Friday, December 11, 2009

ISODEL 2009 Jogjakarta - Day 2

Dec 9, 2009

This is the start of the 3-day conference held at the Sheraton Hotel in Jogjakarta. We were shuttled from the hotel to the ball room even though it was about 500m away.

The conference started at 9.00am local time with a cultural performance and then followed by the welcome address by H.E. The Governor of Jogjakarta.

The conference was officiated by H.E the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia. Close to 760 participants from 16 countries attended the opening ceremony.

Cultural performance during the opening ceremony

Prof. Mansor assessing the Internet at OUM's booth

Outside the conference hall during tea-break. From left: Jamaluddin, Richard and Rozeman posing in front of OUM's booth

OUM's booth was one of favorite booths. Myzatul seen here busy entertaining enquiries

Plenary session 1 began at 10.30am after the tea break. Among the plenary speakers are: Dodi Nandika (Secretary General MONE, Indonesia), Tsuyoshi Isagawa (JICA-PREDICT-ITS, Kumamoto University, Japan), Tinsiri Siribodhi (Deputy Director, Admin and Communicatio, SEAMEO Secretariat, Thailand) and the Regent of Gorontotaio)

Opening speech by H.E. The Governor of Jogjakarta

Handicraft making demonstration

A singer singing the Ramayana song

The plenary session ends at 12.00pm. We then break for lunch until 1.00pm. The parallel session 1 then begins from 1.00pm to 2.30pm. It was divided into 4 rooms with the following sub-theme:

* The emerging of ICT for Education
* International & National experiences in ODEL
* ICT-based learning
* Continuous professional development for teachers

Richard Ng was presenting his paper

During the parallel session 1, OUM is represented by Richard Ng with his topic: "Online Community and Its impact on Learners' Sense of Community, Satisfaction, Motivation commitment and their intention to stay in their programs." His paper was under the sub-theme ICT-based learning. There were 4 speakers at that time. The room was packed with about 100 participants.

Prof. Mansor was presenting his paper

Presentation by Tuan Fatma

The session then took a break between 2.30pm to 3.00pm. The parallel session 2 began at 3.00pm until 4.30pm. Prof. Mansor Fadzil, the senior VP of OUM presented a paper under the sub-theme Continuous professional development for teachers. Also presenting a paper was Tuan Fatma, a lecturer of OUM under the sub-theme International & National experiences in ODEL.

The first day of the conference ended at 5.30pm with another keynote address by the Director General of ICT Application, Ministry of Information and Communication of the Republic of Indonesia.

We were then shuttled back to the hotel at 5.45pm. At 7.00pm we all went for dinner at the Suharti Restaurant nearby, famous for its fried chicken and "gurami" fish.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation to OUM team in Jogjakarta!

    It is an effective effort for us to expand globally.
