Bagi pihak seluruh warga OUM Perak saya ucapkan "Selamat Tahun Baru 2011". Semoga tahun 2011 ini akan membawa tuah dan segala kejayaan kepada kita semua.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
Bagi pihak seluruh warga OUM Perak saya ucapkan "Selamat Tahun Baru 2011". Semoga tahun 2011 ini akan membawa tuah dan segala kejayaan kepada kita semua.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Peperiksaan Akhir OUM pada 31 Disember dijalankan seperti biasa

Harimau Malaysia muncul juara semalam pada julung kalinya dalam tempoh 14 tahun. Walaupun tewas 2-1 di tangan Indonesia, namun kemenangan pertama perlawanan akhir timbal balik pada 26 Disember lalu di mana Malaysia mencatat 3 - 0 ke atas Indonesia sudah cukup untuk membolehkan Malaysia menjadi juara berdasarkan agregat 4-2.
Seluruh rakyat Malaysia menyaksikan kemenangan bersejarah Malaysia termasuk Perdana Menteri kita semalam. Sebaik sahaja tamat perlawanan, Perdana Menteri membuat pengumuman cuti umum pada 31 Disember 2010 bagi meraikan kejayaan Malaysia.

Pemain Malaysia Safee Sali muncul sebagai pemenang kasut emas setelah menjadi penjaring terbanyak kejohanan tersebut dengan menjaringkan 5 gol. Apapun penjaga Gol Khairul Fahmi telah diberi pujian oleh penyokong Malaysia sebagai pemain terbaik Malaysia. Secara keseluruhan, pasukan Harimau Muda di bawah jurulatih K. Rajagobal telah berjaya membawa balik semangat bola sepak tanahair era kegemilangan Super Mokh, Towkay Chin Aun, Iron Man Santokh Singh dan Spiderman Arumugam.
Tahniah dan syabas kepada pasukan Harimau Malaysia.
Walau bagaimanapun, peperiksaan akhir semester Sept 201o OUM yang telah dijadualkan pada 31 Dis akan berjalan seperti biasa.
Di kesempatan ini saya bagi pihak OUM Perak mengucapkan "Selamat Tahun Baru" kepada semua pelajar, staf dan tutor OUM khasnya dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia amnya.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Peperiksaan Akhir OUM Semester September 2010 tinggal beberapa hari lagi

Peperiksaan akhir OUM bagi semester September 2010 yang bermula dari 9 Disember tinggal beberapa hari lagi. Ia akan tamat pada 31 Disember 2010 dan para pelajar yang masih dalam program akan bercuti sehingga 15 dan 16 Januari 2011 bila mana mereka perlu berdaftar untuk semester Januari 2011 dan mengambil modul masing-masing.
Sepanjang tempoh peperiksaan tiada sebarang insiden yang besar berlaku kecuali satu atau dua perkara kecil timbul dan telah ditangani dengan baik.
Kelas tutorial pertama akan bermula pada 22 dan 23 Januari 2011 untuk pelajar baru ambilan 2011 dan pada 29 dan 30 Januari untuk pelajar senior.
Harus diingat bahawa peperiksaan gantian untuk subjek SBMA1103 akan dijalankan di Pusat Pembelajaran Greenhill pada 8 Januari 2011 jam 2.30ptg.
Berikut adalah jadual waktu peperiksaan yang masih berbaki:
Jadual Peperiksaan 27 Disember 2010: (Klik pada gambar untuk melihat imej yang besar)
Jadual Peperiksaan 28 Disember 2010: (Klik pada gambar untuk melihat imej yang besar)
Jadual Peperiksaan 29 Disember 2010: (Klik pada gambar untuk melihat imej yang besar)
Jadual Peperiksaan 30 Disember 2010: (Klik pada gambar untuk melihat imej yang besar)
Jadual Peperiksaan 31 Disember 2010: (Klik pada gambar untuk melihat imej yang besar)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Senamrobik di Taman Rekreasi Sultan Abdul Aziz, Jln Tambun, Ipoh

Pada pagi Kerismas, 25 Disember 2010, sambil rakyat Malaysia bercuti, sekumpulan staf dan pelajar OUM Perak telah menyertai Senamrobik anjuran Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh dan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Perak.
Tepat jam 7.30pg, lebih dari 200 para peserta dari seluruh lapisan masyarakat baik yang muda ataupun tua dari berbilang kaum telah berkumpul di Taman Rekreasi Sultan Abdul Aziz untuk mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti senamrobik.

Sesi pertama telah dimulakan oleh jurulatih senamrobik dari MBI iaitu Cik Jamuna yang juga salah seorang pelajar OUM Perak. Dengan mengikut rentak irama lagu rancak, semua peserta telah menunjukkan semangat yang berkobar-kobar mengikut arahan dari jurulatih.
Aktiviti senamrobik memang dijalankan pada setiap hari Sabtu. Akan tetapi senamrobik kali ini adalah yang paling istimewa sekali sebabnya ialah ianya adalah hari Sabtu terakhir untuk tahun 2010.
Cabutan bertuah serta peraduan meneka biji kacang dalam botol serta bilangan biji betik turut diadakan. Para peserta yang bertuah akan diberikan hadiah hamper serta hadiah basikal.

Penyertaan OUM adalah atas jemputan MBI. Kami diberi satu ruang untuk mempromosikan program kami. Sdra Ahmad Fahmi, telah mengorbankan hari cuti untuk turut serta membantu dalam menjayakannya. Ramai peserta yang hadir telah menunjukkan minat dalam program OUM.

Antara pelajar yang kelihatan hadir ialah Matron Zabidah, Tangarajie, Faizah dan Tina Leong. Turut hadir, Pengarah OUM Perak, Richard Ng. Menurut pengarah OUM Perak, aktiviti seumpama ini amat baik untuk pelajar serta staf OUM Perak bukan sahaja ianya dapat meningkatkan tahap kecerdasan kita, tetapi juga dapat menjalinkan hubungan silaturahim dan mendekatkan OUM dengan masyarakat. Beliau mahu melihat lebih ramai pelajar dan staf OUM terlibat dalam aktiviti seperti ini muali tahun 2011.

Aktiviti ini yang bermula pada jam 7.30pg tamat pada jam 10.00pg.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Related News from OUM Today Dec 2010 Edition
Here are some of the excerpts taken from the December 2010 edition of OUM Today:
1. How to prepare your Research Proposal: (Please click on picture to enlarge it)

2. OUM Celebrates First Batch of PhD Graduates: (Please click on picture to enlarge it)

3. Miss Malaysia with a PhD on her mind: (Please click on picture to enlarge it)

4. AAOU 2010 Conference in Hanoi: (Please click on picture to enlarge it)
1. How to prepare your Research Proposal: (Please click on picture to enlarge it)
2. OUM Celebrates First Batch of PhD Graduates: (Please click on picture to enlarge it)
3. Miss Malaysia with a PhD on her mind: (Please click on picture to enlarge it)
4. AAOU 2010 Conference in Hanoi: (Please click on picture to enlarge it)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011
The management and staff of OUM Perak would like to wish all our students "Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2011".
New Year Message from the President and Vice Chancellor of Open University Malaysia
YBhg Emeritus Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Anuwar Ali
As we bid farewell to 2010 and welcome 2011, let us once again take stock of all that has happened at OUM over the past year — the challenges we have encountered, the struggles we have faced, and more importantly, our successes, both great and small. It is time for us to review and to reflect, so that we may look back for lessons learnt, and forward to prepare ourselves for new challenges in order to continue with more strength and tenacity towards our goal – which is to make higher education attainable for as many people as possible.
The year 2010 has been a noteworthy one for OUM as we have chalked up many memorable achievements. The establishment of the Institute for Teaching and Learning Advancement (ITLA), for example, is one bold step forward that should move us further towards quality teaching and learning via its commitment to the continuous improvement of teaching, assessment and curricula design. As an ODL institution, the University recognises the need to fine-tune current assessment methods to actually reflect learners’ achievements. Only with an effective assessment system OUM is able to produce high caliber graduates who will be an asset to the nation and society.
While our blended pedagogical approach has proven successful in the past, the time has also come for the University to introduce changes. The current “one-size-fits-all” blended model may not be ideal in the long run in light of new developments taking place in the higher education landscape. OUM is looking at a new model which incorporates innovative features to enhance the current delivery mechanism to improve teaching and learning, one which caters to the needs of individual learners. Our online resources initiatives including Mathematics Resource Centre (MRC) and electronic Gateway to English Resources (e-GATE), mobile learning via SMS and Open Educational Resources (OUM OER) speak volumes of our commitment to serve our learners better.
Infrastructure wise, we added a new building in Shah Alam to our portfolio of learning centres throughout Malaysia. Launched in June by the Minister of Higher Education YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin , this state-of-the-art learning centre currently caters to approximately 3,000 learners. Our range of programmes has also diversified, with the addition of new, value-added programmes such as the Diploma in Pre-Hospital Emergency Care, specially designed for paramedics and offered in collaboration with St John Ambulance Malaysia.
Among the other highlights of the year, we hosted a public lecture by YABhg Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in August. This leading statesman had the audience in awe with his take on the impact of technology on the future of higher education. And more recently, we held our very first International Conference on Nursing, which explored the use and impact of technology and innovation in this caring profession. Both these events are symbolic of the key role we have assigned to technology in helping us provide high quality education.
Besides making new inroads in the local arena, we are also spreading our wings abroad. We now offer our programmes in Yemen, Bahrain, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Ghana and Hungary. Our next destination might be Zimbabwe, where we have sensed keen interest in our programmes. We also plan to venture into India, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam in the near future.
Our latest accolade is the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) Award of Excellence for Institutional Achievement in Distance Education that we received in November. This award was in recognition of OUM’s institutional achievements in the innovative and effective application of learning technologies and ODL methodologies to reach students who might otherwise not participated in the learning or training experience.
Overall, 2010 has been a good year backed by solid performance. We have kept our footing in a shifting landscape, responding with agility to the winds of change while remaining steadfastly focused on our mission. Let me take this opportunity to say a big “thank you” to OUM staff for their untiring contributions and to all our learners, past and present, for investing in their education with us.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season with families and friends. Let us return, refreshed, to start working together again to make 2011 another great year!
Perayaan Menuai Masyakarat Cina, "Dong Zhi" atau "Winter Solstice"
Pada tanggal 22 Disember 2010, masyarakat Cina di seluruh dunia akan merayakan perayaan Musim Menuai atau "Dong Zhi" atau Winter Solstice.
Perayaan ini merupakan perayaan terbesar dalam kalendar orang Cina sebelum tahun baru. Suatu masa dahulu di negara Cina, perayaan ini adalah perayaan tahun baru. Oleh kerana iannya jatuh pada musim sejuk dan sukar untuk dirayakan maka ianya menjadi satu perayaan bagi meraikan kejayaan mereka selepas musim menuai.
Lazimnya masyarakat Cina akan merayakan Perayaan Dong Zhi ini dengan menghidangkan "Tang Yuan" iaitu bebola yang dibuat dari pulut berwarna warni dan dimasakkan dengan air gula. Di kalangan masyarakat Cina, Tang Yuan adalah suatu simbolik kekeluargaan dan kejayaan.
Masyarakat Cina akan membuat Tang Yuan untuk dimakan seluruh keluarga dengan harapan ianya akan menambahkan saiz dan kejayaan keluarga. Bagi setengah masyarakat Cina terutamanya di luar bandar ianya disambut secara besar-besaran.
Bagi pihak OUM Perak, saya ucapkan "Selamat Menyambut Hari Dong Zhi" kepada semua pelajar dan tutor OUM Perak.
Difference between "Sometime, Some time, and Sometimes"
According to Richard Nordquist, these three words are among the most common confused words.
Sometime means "at an indefinite or unstated time in the future."
Some time means "a period of time."
Sometimes means "occasionally, now and then."
* "Why don't you come up sometime and see me?"
(Mae West in She Done Him Wrong, 1933)
* "You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others--something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." (Albert Schweitzer)
* "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying." (Oscar Wilde)
Sometime means "at an indefinite or unstated time in the future."
Some time means "a period of time."
Sometimes means "occasionally, now and then."
* "Why don't you come up sometime and see me?"
(Mae West in She Done Him Wrong, 1933)
* "You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others--something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." (Albert Schweitzer)
* "I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying." (Oscar Wilde)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Peperiksaan Gantian SBMA1103 - Matematik Persediaan
Assalamualaikum dan Salam Sejahtera
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa peperiksaan gantian bagi kursus SBMA 1103 Preparatory Mathematics untuk pelajar OUM Perak akan diadakan seperti butiran berikut :-
Tarikh: 8 Januari 2011
Masa: 4.00 petang hingga 5.30 petang
Lokasi: Pusat Pembelajaran Greenhill
Segala kesulitan yang timbul amatlah dikesali.
Nik Fauzi Nik Sin
Unit Peperiksaan dan Penilaian
Open University Malaysia.
03 2773 2624
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa peperiksaan gantian bagi kursus SBMA 1103 Preparatory Mathematics untuk pelajar OUM Perak akan diadakan seperti butiran berikut :-
Tarikh: 8 Januari 2011
Masa: 4.00 petang hingga 5.30 petang
Lokasi: Pusat Pembelajaran Greenhill
Segala kesulitan yang timbul amatlah dikesali.
Nik Fauzi Nik Sin
Unit Peperiksaan dan Penilaian
Open University Malaysia.
03 2773 2624
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
PhD (BA) from OUM is fully accredited by MQA
The PhD in Business Administration degree offered by Open University Malaysia has received full accreditation status from the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) effective 17 May 2010. The programme has undergone a thorough audit on its syllabus and implementation by the panel appointed by MQA.
With the programme fully accredited, learners are assured of its quality and acceptance by the general public and industry.
The accreditation certificate is as shown below:
The MQA Certificate in Malay Language. Please click on image to enlarge it
The MQA Certificate in English Language. Please click on image to enlarge it
The link to the MQA's website which contain the accreditation information can be found here:

OUM has recently witnessed a group 7 pioneer PhD graduates receiving their respective scrolls from Tun Jeanne Abdullah, the Chancellor of Open University Malaysia during its 9th Convocation on 20th November 2010.
From left: Dr Patrick, Dr Wong, Dr Richard Ng and Dr Lum
Four students; Dr Lum Heap Sum, Dr Richard Ng, Dr Patrick Wong and Dr. Wong Siaw Ming graduated with the PhD in BA during the convocation.
With the programme fully accredited, learners are assured of its quality and acceptance by the general public and industry.
The accreditation certificate is as shown below:
The link to the MQA's website which contain the accreditation information can be found here:
OUM has recently witnessed a group 7 pioneer PhD graduates receiving their respective scrolls from Tun Jeanne Abdullah, the Chancellor of Open University Malaysia during its 9th Convocation on 20th November 2010.
Four students; Dr Lum Heap Sum, Dr Richard Ng, Dr Patrick Wong and Dr. Wong Siaw Ming graduated with the PhD in BA during the convocation.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tong Wah Cave Temple @ Tambun Celebrates 138th Anniversary
The Tong Wah Cave Temple located near Tambun in Ipoh celebrated its 138th anniversary yesterday. The cave, which was founded in 1872, was thought by many archaeologists to be more than 250 million years old.
The cave temple, which is located 100m above ground and 500m away from the Lost of Tambun, is visible from the main road leading to Tanjong Rambutan.
The function was attended by over 800 people. Also present were the Minister of Finance (II) and Member of Parliament for Tambun, Dato' Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah and State Assemblyman for Ulu Kinta, Dato' Rosnah Kassim.
The objective of the function was to raise fund for the development and expansion of the Buddhist Meditation Centre located at the foothill of the cave.
Temple Association Chairman, Mr. Lee, said that the Tong Wah Cave temple was founded by Liew Tong Sen in the 1870s. Several buddhist monks used to stay and do their meditation there. Several philanthropists include Leong Sin Nam has provided funds in the early stages to help develop the temple. Its strategic location and also its long history can become a tourist attraction for the state of Perak. He welcome any individual or organization to help expand and develop the temple.
During her speech at the function, Dato Rosnah congratulated the temple committee for having successfully organized the functions. She hopes that everyone regardless of their religious beliefs can live harmoniously and peacefully and contribute towards the development of the nation.
Dato' Seri Ahmad Husni in his speech also congratulated the temple's committee on their 138th anniversary celebration. He said he was very happy to be invited to the occasion. As MP of Tambun, he will provide assistance to the temple committee to ensure that the Tong Wah Cave Temple will become not only a place for the buddhist to meditate and offer prayers but also as a tourist attraction.
During the function he contributed RM20,000 to temple committee to help fund its development plan.
During the functions, more than RM5,000 were collected from the bidding of the giant joss stick and also from the generous donors. There was also lucky draw and karaoke held during the function.
The function which began at 7.30pm with the national anthem song "Negaraku" ended at 11.00pm.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Kursus Pembikinan Klip Video untuk Pedagogi Atas Talian
Satu kursus pembikinan anjuran NAPIE telah dijalankan di Meteor House, OUM, KL pada hari ini 10 Disember 2010. Ianya merupakan sebahagian dari kursus 16 hari bagi melatih pensyarah dari kolej dan universiti swasta.
Kursus ini telah dijalankan oleh Meteor IPD, iaitu sebuah anak syarikat OUM. Jurulatih adalah terdiri dari Pensyarah berpengalaman dari Open University Malaysia yang diketuai oleh Prof. Abtar Kaur.
Sampel Pengambilan Video oleh pelajar:
Latihan hari ini adalah dalam bidang pembikinan klip video pendidikan yang akan digunakan dalam Facebook ataupun blog. Latihan ini telah dikendalikan oleh Dr Richard Ng, Pengarah OUM Perak yang banyak pengalaman dalam bidang ini. Berikut adalah sebahagian dari klip video latihan hari ini:
Bhg 1:
Bhg 2:
Bhg 3:
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